Wednesday, October 8, 2014

09-01-2014 at 10:36 Reply

For this plug-in is a number of add-ons available on the page of the developer Charleston Software Associates. These add-ons add extra functionality. rackhams "The BAAT" rackhams has also contributed to the add-on User Managed Locations that logged in users of the site offers the opportunity to manage. Their own locations
09-01-2014 at 10:36 Reply
Hi Fred, The button "Find rackhams Locations" rackhams can be displayed in two ways: as picture and as a button with text. This allows you to customize the selection rackhams "Use Search Location Text Button" at the settings for "Search Form". Both options display a text in English.
What you can try is to replace homemade pictures. The pictures of the button These are the "search_button rackhams * .png" rackhams files in the folder "images" of the plug-in. Note that this again be replaced when you install an update.
Get too excited. I do not have this option in my version. unfortunately it is not a picture. But I've adjusted calss.ui.php in the include directory. I just do not know why I first did not find this, but still thanks. Cheers, Fred
Hai Rob, Basically, the Dutch translation would just have to come with the installation of SLP with. If it seems that the texts are not translated, it also settings can be. To your location You could even file to see if there is the following text in your wp-config.php: define ('WPLANG', 'en_US');
The following HTML tags and attributes: <a href="" title=""> <abbr title = ""> <acronym title = ""> <b> <blockquote cite = ""> <cite> < code> <del datetime = ""> <em> <i> <q cite = ""> <strike> <strong>
De_BAATionicasmeets Moreover, the writer very Google at your fingertips. D: 07-10-2014 01:10 RTbasisinkomen: Is the SP as on social security and basic income? #OBi D: 05-10-2014 16:25 RTInpirationals: Which wolf will you feed D: 05-10-2014 12:32 Overview # Seats2Meet locations in a Google Map: viaDe_BAAT # S2M S2M @ D: 03-10-2014 21:29 Overview Seats 2 Measurement locations in Google Maps: / HT7AqtKJ79 viaDe_BAAT # S2M D: 03-10-2014 rackhams 21:22

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