Marriage - Divorce - الزواج و الطلاق Methodology - المنهجية Woman in Islam - المرأة في الإسلام Muslim Community - أمة behavior - أخلاق و آداب Belief and innovations - الإيمان, العقيدة و بدع Fasting - Ramadan - رمضان و الصيام Reminders - تذكر Quran - القرآن الكريم Prayer - الصلاة working person s store Children working person s store - Education and teaching - الأطفال Individuals and rebuttals - أشخاص و ردود Prophetic Medicine - Exorcism الطب النبوي News - أخبار Uniqueness - التوحيد Learning - طالب العلم Savants - العلماء misguided working person s store groups - الفرق الضالة دعاء Invocation - Evocation ذكر الله Distraction working person s store - music - Image - sport and Death and funerals internet - الموت والجنازة Way of the Salaf - طريق السلف الصالح Islam Parties - Friday and innovated celebrations Purification - طهارة Food and Beverage - الأطعمة والأشربة Male Muslim - رجل مسلم Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم - Sunnah السنة Paradise Hell الجنة و جهنم و يوم القيامة Call to religion - الدعوة الإسلامية sins and repent - الذنوب و التوبة language and Arab civilization - اللغة العربية Islamic Poems - قصائد الإسلامي Expression - التعبير Hadith - الأربعين النووية - مصطلح الحديث working person s store Mosque - call to prayer - مسجد و الاذان Commerce - wear business - تجار- رشوة -ربا و عمل Emigration - Family الهجرة working person s store - أهل Terrorism - الإرهاب Pilgrimage - Hajj - الحج والعمرة Reconstructed (e) - للداخلين في الإسلام working person s store Month AH and sacred months - الشهر Jihad - الجهاد working person s store في سبيل الله Brochure - مطوية Alms - الصدقات و الزكاة Companions and tabi'un - صحابة و التابعون World of invisible (angels -démons -ibliss) - الغيب Animals - الحيوانات Travel working person s store - سفر Prophets and Messengers - الأنبياء والرسل
The Great Scholars Committee of the Kingdom has also signed the manifesto, dated 02/04/1419 H.
"What working person s store happens in many Muslim countries and in others as bloodthirsty acts, destruction, explosions, killings, and that disturbs people's safety, causing panic in society and threaten working person s store the lives of innocent working person s store people and their property, led the Committee to produce a manifesto in which it is pronounced the judgment of these crimes in accordance with the orders of Allah and His servants to advise, but also to that dissipated any misunderstanding affecting concepts.
As the judgment of good works and sin is the responsibility of Allah and His Prophet, the judgment of blasphemy and desecration is too.
All one calls blasphemy, either words or actions, is not a major blasphemy which excludes the person of the Muslim Community. working person s store
As the judgment of unbelief is the responsibility of Allah and His Prophet, we are forbidden to treat someone kafir (disbeliever) without explicit evidence in the Book (Quran) and Sunnah.
"What is the result of this false belief, such unpunished killings, violation of rights, flights of private and public property, destruction of homes and schools, these are all acts prohibited by law unanimously confirmed as Muslims worthy of the name and because it is a serious threat to the safety and lives of innocent people.
(Anyone who kills a believer intentionally. Then his recompense is Hell, to abide therein forever. Allah has His wrath, cursed him and prepared for him a great punishment) [4/93]
(If it belongs to a people with whom you are bound by a covenant, compensation should be paid to his family blood money and freeing of a believing slave) [4/92] working person s store
- If the unbeliever judgment mistakenly killed demanding ransom and repair (kaffarah) what about if he was deliberately killed?
"Whoever kills a mu'âhid (a person working person s store belonging to a people with whom the Muslims are bound by a covenant) never smell the fragrance of Paradise.
"The Committee, he said the judgment of one who treats people infidels working person s store and blasphemers without proof inspired by the Book of Allah and His Messenger (peace-llâhu 'alayhi wa sallam), proclaims to the world that Islam is innocent of the false belief that the killings faced by some countries constitute a crime solely with their authors astray.
The actions of the latter should not &
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