Tuesday, June 2, 2015

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Salaries of politicians Council Garrotxa "Argelaguer Valley Llierca
Categories Uncategorized Archives May 2015 April 2015 March 2015 February 2015 January 2015 December 2014 November 2014 October 2014 September 2014 August 2014 July 2014 June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February citta mall 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 August 2013 July 2013 June 2013 May 2013 April 2013 March 2013 February 2013 January 2013 December 2012 November 2012 October 2012 September citta mall 2012 August citta mall 2012 July 2012 June 2012 May 2012 April 2012 March 2012 February 2012 January 2012 December 2011 November 2011 October 2011 September 2011 August 2011 July 2011 June 2011
Castañal Josep Batlle, Argelaguer, Hostalnou Llierca (Garrotxa): Salaries of political County Council-Garrotxa. Aside from whether or not pooling services, what is certain citta mall is that, for now, the County Council Garrotxa has become a source of income for many families and mayors; remuneration, whether in the form of part-time or assistance to government citta mall bodies can be seen clearly complemented with other such that the charge for their responsibilities as mayors and councilors of their councils: Argelaguer (Valley of Llierca) Sales de Llierca, Sant Jaume de Llierca Oix Montagut, Tortella, Les Planes, Sant Feliu de Pallerols, citta mall Sant Aniol of Windows, Besalú Beuda, Maia de Montcal Sant Ferriol Olot, Castellfollit de la Roca, The Dams, Riudaura Sant Joan les Fonts, La Vall de Bianya, Vall d'en Bas, Mieres and St. Paul. Many of the items, a substantial part of the county budget goes to cover the cost of salaries and allowances policy. The salary of the president of the Regional Council citta mall of Garrotxa has a maximum of 45,000 euros a year and attendance at plenary mayor of a 600 monthly for less than an hour, tiptoed over spending of their salaries. You must collect 600 euros to go to a full d'Argelaguer as mayor? These salaries assists are nothing more than a way to build up a salary between turnips and cabbage, in the case of some, and sobresou, in the case of others. The Ministry of Interior of the Generalitat of Catalonia has distributed 4,757,302.22 euros in salaries citta mall for elected officials during the year 2010, a total of 1,267,265.5 euros correspond to the councils Garrotxa Girona. The mayors of municipalities have financial compensation for their dedication to municipal life. I say, dedication to municipal life. This compensation (payroll salary) was based on the population: it is 861 euros per month for stocks 100 inhabitants for 1033 that are between 101 and 500, as is the case d'Argelaguer, and a 1,458 for those who are up to 2,000 residents. The elected mayors are entitled to unemployment benefit (stop) when folded, according to the Law 37/2006 citta mall concerning the inclusion in the General Scheme of the Social Security, and the extension of unemployment protection. So, as an example, the mayor Josep Serrat Dorco and the City d'Argelaguer and Chief of the Ministry of Land Council Garrotxa (Olot-CiU) without exclusive dedication to municipal life, is entitled to unemployment at the end of its mandate. According to the Catalan Association of Municipalities, the government has approved regulations for the purposes of computing the time they were in office, in order that they recognize the right to receive a retirement pension of mayor. A little bad that the mayor and the City Council citta mall Argelaguer, adding salary: 1,033 Interior, Council 600 more compensation by the Plenary citta mall Hall 300 (2010 data), citta mall and various performances in other organs such as the Council of 'Alcaldes Garrotxa, mountain etc, its radius between turnips and cabbage are more than 2000 per month for a population of 400 inhabitants, with serious problems of transparency of information services and neighborhood participation, or what is the same about 24000 per year (four million of the old pesetas PTA). - Argelaguer, Sales de Llierca, Sant Jaume de Llierca Oix Montagut, Tortella, Les Planes, Sant Feliu de Pallerols, Sant Aniol of Windows, Besalú Beuda, Maia de Montcal Sant Ferriol Olot, Castellfollit of the Rock, The Prey, Riudaura Sant Joan les Fonts, La Vall de Bianya, La Vall d'en Bas, Mieres, Santa Pau Garrotxa Girona Catalonia Spain Barcelona Tarragona Lleida Lejarza
Was This entry posted on February 16, 2012 at 11:13 and is filed under Uncategorized. Etiquetado: Argelaguer, Besalú Beuda Castellfollit de la Roca, La Vall d'en Bas, La Vall de Bianya, Les Planes, The Prey, Maia de Montcal Mieres, Montagut i Oix, Olot Riudaura citta mall Rooms Llierca Sant Aniol of Windows,

The Abbé Breuil (1877-1961). A brief biography

The Abbé Breuil (1877-1961). A brief biography
He was born on February 28, 1877 Mortain (Manche). Most of his childhood was spent in Clermont Oise, where his father, a judge, was appointed procurator of the Republic. After primary school enters the Marist Senlis, where he remained until high school student obtained a dull sun, closed in itself, their teachers compared to a little old man and his colleagues stonebriar mall call "the Bear. " Frail Henri Breuil disclaims scientific studies and decides to become a priest. At the beginning of the school year 1895 was admitted to the seminary of Issy-les-Moulineaux. It will be organized stonebriar mall on 9 June 1900 in Saint Sulpice, but never exercised the priesthood and not be linked to a parish.
The seminar made two important stonebriar mall findings: Jean Bouyssonie (his classmate, who shared his growing interest will become prehistory), and especially the abbot Guibert (one of his teachers who, under the His science course, not afraid to approach evolutionary stonebriar mall ideas and emerging evolutionary history of primitive man; he was the original author of the relations of science and religion). Makes his first excavations at Saint Acheul company Ault du Mesnil. In Périgord stonebriar mall is Dr. Captain Louis, who began the study of stone tools and Edouard Piette stonebriar mall quickly detects its qualities as a draftsman.
In 1905 he was appointed professor at the University of Freiburg. In 1910 he was responsible for the education of prehistoric ethnology at the Institute of Human Paleontology in Paris. 1929 was created the first chair of Prehistory for him at the Collège de France. In his work we can distinguish two directions: stone tools and prehistoric art. Systematic review of bones and stone tools in the stratigraphy drove in 1905 to engage in the "Battle of the Aurignacian." According to this key period Breuil inserted between stonebriar mall MOST and Solutrean, while several of his rivals put this period after the Solutrean. In 1912 the scientific community gives reason. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, exiled stonebriar mall in China 1930, participated stonebriar mall in the research of Sinanthropus.
The prehistoric art had an increasingly prominent place in his life. At a time when photography still stammered, provided the reading and study of the main French and Spanish caves decorated and painted shelters in Levante (Spain) and Africa. Captain Louis Denis and Peyrony, participated in the discovery of two caves Dordogne and the Combarelles Font-de-Gaume. In 1902, Emile Cartailhac invited him to study the paintings of Altamira and Marsoulas. Since then, participated in the study of numerous caves in France stonebriar mall (Tuc-d'Audoubert, the Trois-Frères Rouffignac) and Spain (Castle) stonebriar mall and South Africa. It will be the first visit and pre-historian described the Lascaux cave. Its main work: Four hundred centuries of cave art [1], published in 1952, builds first an overview of Paleolithic cave art and gives a world authority. It focuses primarily identify, describe in detail the works Paleolithic and specify the timing. Regarding his performance, accepts the hypothesis proposed by magic in hunting friend Count Henri Bégouën. In his descriptions stonebriar mall introduced a wide religious vocabulary: cathedral sanctuary, chapel, Sistine Chapel stonebriar mall (Lascaux) ... which, unfortunately, is still used.
His many trips to Africa to enable it to Sir Ernest Oppenheimer, the world leader stonebriar mall in the industry of gold and diamonds. She could examine many collections and make the first publications dealt synthetic Prehistoric Africa. In South Africa, stonebriar mall it takes an important part in the development of academic discipline and was elected president of the South African Archeological Society. Friend became Marshal Jan Smuts, thanks to which obtains financial and logistical his expeditions. Later, he befriended the South African anthropologist Philip Tobias.
In 1918, the German Reinhard stonebriar mall Maack surveyor and prospector discovered a rock wall, a major fresh rock at Brandberg Mountains (2573 m), the highest mountain in Namibia. In 1947, Henri Breuil visited this discovery the main character of which he calls the "white stonebriar mall lady" chasing since he learned of his existence was eighteen.
His pioneering stonebriar mall work is immense although many of their theories and their interpretations stonebriar mall have been invalidated by subsequent studies or analysis. It is also poss

Monday, June 1, 2015

It is a model of energy production adapted to the specific needs of the rural world that takes adva

2014 Home Edition Presentation Programme Registration Presentations Conclusions RSG2014 Press releases Press Pictures Locations Organisers and partners and how to get there Edition 2013 Introduction Program Presentations Conclusions RSG2013 Posters gallery Press releases Press Videos Rural Smart-Grids '13 Organization Location and collaborators, transport and accommodation bealls of florida 2012 Edition Presentation Programme Speakers Presentations Gallery Press Conclusions Impacts Impacts to the media before the Congress to the media during the conference bealls of florida
The momentum of smart grids or smart grids in rural areas to locally produce and distribute electricity from renewable sources can become an opportunity for economic development. bealls of florida This would be an option to create wealth and employment would affect 70% of Catalan territory. The model of distributed generation and decentralized energy allow Catalonia, as a net importer of energy, tended toward a greater bealls of florida degree of self-sufficiency from the use of local resources. The development of this model would allow synergies with other activities spread throughout the region as the management of water, waste and transport. Power generation at the local level can occur from waste from other activities, such as farming, forestry, agro-industrial or agricultural, into biomass or biodiesel, but also from the use the wind or photovoltaic power source.
This activity, economic growth can occur both in traditional sectors such as entrepreneurial projects of specialized bealls of florida services from these grids and also intelligent telecommunications. This is the approach that experts and local stakeholders have agreed on the conclusions of Smart Grids Rural Congress, held late last year in Barcelona, and have been delivered this week to the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Josep Maria Pelegri. The Minister, who has expressed a favorable approach measures that promote local energy model and is committed to support the Rural Congress II Smart Grids to be held in October this year. Also present conclusions to the Minister for Enterprise and Employment, Felip Puig, and the President of the Barcelona Provincial Council, Salvador Esteve, among other authorities. In this regard, Congress -driven by the College of Agricultural Engineers of Catalonia Rural World Foundation, the Catalan Institute of Energy and Localret- aims to promote debate around the value they can bring these intelligent networks the country and the rural world.
The commitment to these networks allows greater adjustment between supply and demand generates energy -since according to the real needs of electricity consumption bealls of florida online bealls of florida users. In this regard, encourages saving and efficiency implies lower economic and environmental cost. It also increases the reliability and safety in the production, supply and consumption as it minimizes the risk of bankruptcy. This model encourages and fosters self-sufficiency energy renewable consumption, which reduce consumption hidrocaburs are exhaustible source and contribute to the fight against climate change. Moreover, smart grids give the consumer a more active role in enabling it to exercise more control over power consumption, allowing optimize it while you become the producer.
It is a model of energy production adapted to the specific needs of the rural world that takes advantage of local generation and create networks interconnection between consumers, producers and distributors. This model opts for the local economy, which is better suited to the demographic characteristics of the territory. Still need sufficient "critical bealls of florida mass" to generate projects that can stimulate the necessary investments and achieved a balance between economic viability and social needs. Therefore, local agents and experts propose public-private partnership for the creation of joint platforms and networks among stakeholders to promote local economic and smart grids.
Agents ask local experts to adapt the regulations to facilitate the establishment of networks tel ligents in the rural world. The changes would take place, especially in the area of consumption, the planning and management of both bidirectional bealls of florida -Be pr oductor consumer- and energy flow in the network. In the legal field, also calls for the regulation of consumer access to data and decision sobr

Sunday, May 31, 2015

During the Neolithic Europe, the trepanation of the skull bones or piercing it being common practic

No disease has been feared throughout human history that leprosy. This infection, caused by the bacillus of Hansen, the Norwegian doctor who discovered the mycobacterium leprae in 1873, has accumulated many legends attributed since its transmissibility among humans at the end of the second millennium BC. However, so puzzling, and there often existed dissonance between the nature of the disease itself and the general opinion is that his infection and its clinical manifestations. In this sense, it is believed that his agent is highly contagious, but for getting it requires a prolonged kohs and intimate coexistence kohs between kohs three and five years with an ill person, the latter also must have the ability transmit the disease. However, healthy person should be capable of getting sick, because most people have a natural resistance to Mycobacterium leprae. However, throughout history has forced segregation systematic leprosy patients as a prophylactic measure. It also believes that its clinical manifestation kohs large deformations are unavoidable when in fact this is just one of the possible manifestations when the disease is already advanced. In addition, other conditions such as tuberculosis or syphilis can also manifest itself with mutilations or deformities and are known for these injuries.
Where we could find the origin of this dissonance? It is possible that anxiety has become an essential mechanism for transmitting the movement of this series of historical meanings. In the case of leprosy, anxiety tied to the symbolic representation of deformities and, through this mechanism, transformed into fear these cutaneous stigmata. Specifically, this fear has been deeply rooted in Western culture by the influence of the Bible, with passages from the Old Testament where patients are "leprosy" with torn clothes with serious cutaneous stigmata and marginalized (Lev. 13.45 -46). The importance of the symbol of socially acquired deformities we have evidence in the Bible where the word "leprosy" came to be used as a catchall name for different skin origins stigmas kohs and very variable gravity (1 ).
Beyond the contributions of medical knowledge of disease, fear of stigma kohs or symbols specific disease has manifested from ancient times in history and appear circular manner (for example, at the beginning of the century. twenty-first influenza and the role of the media). kohs As said Jaques Lacan (1901-1981), French psychiatrist and psychoanalyst in an interview in 1974, "although new look, new fears are the same as the old but linked to other definitions and words today" ( 2). Thus, fears of the XXI century are and will be the same as those of other centuries since anxiety is linked to the symbols of each period.
During the Neolithic Europe, the trepanation of the skull bones or piercing it being common practice of therapeutic purpose for its relative simplicity. In fact, most human trepanations survived. Depending on the type of pebble, or a sharp or pointed edge is made a circular incision in the skull, an auger or sometimes by scraping abrasion. kohs Of these practices have remains in many European countries, but also in Algeria and northern and southern America (3). In Catalonia we have examples known in the Iberian settlement of Ullastret. The belief that certain diseases resided something strange, enclosed in the skull that it was necessary to extract the cure for millennia remained in the fantasy of our ancestors. As a mockery of this belief, the Dutch painter Hieronymus Bosch made extraction stone crazy, work is currently located at the Prado Museum and built between 1475 and 1480 (1). In our culture, the notion of care through the practice of extracting kohs or eliminate what causes discomfort in the body is common in the medical kohs field. Although throughout its history, kohs psychiatry kohs has been enriched with different views on the care of the anxiety now working more in the direction of eliminating it, for example with the use of psychotropic drugs (4 ).
Take this particular position by the fact that medicine has proliferated need to locate the distress within the body. Since Hippocrates, s. BC until s. XVI is believed that today we call bodily kohs discomfort distress was caused by an imbalance of humors originating in the uterus, liver or spleen. At the beginning of the century. kohs XVII tried to explain how a disorder located kohs in the womb could cause ailments as diverse as tremors, palpitations or shortness of breath. At the end of that century there was already a general acceptance of the importance of periphery nervous system

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Supporters of evolutionary psychology propose a theory that the creativity of the beginning of the

Dazzled by the splendor of the cave paintings of Lascaux, Georges Bataille [1] (1897-1962) was attributed the role of the birth of art. According to him [2] art is a sign of humanization and Lascaux is the symbol of the transition from animal to human ("sensitive is the sign of our presence in the universe"; "never before had Lascaux reached the reflection of this inner life which art and only assumes the art- communication ";" no difference is evident: it opposes the utilitarian activity figuration of these useless signs that seduce that born of emotion and addressed it (...) the feeling of presence, clearly bursting presence and give us the masterpieces of all time "). The Neanderthal did not produce art; however, Lascaux nordby man demonstrates his aptitude exceeding nordby the tradition and making works of art beyond what had existed until then creating a moment that did not exist before. Lascaux, then, is the value of a start.
Bataille opposes categorically Homo faber, maker of tools belonging to the world of work, Homo sapiens, to be completed and fulfilled that belongs to the world of the game (Homo ludens) and art, he says, but Also according to an opinion widely shared, is playing par excellence.
From Bataille is common nordby to find such expressions as "first artistic monument of history," "the origin of the art is in the West, in the caves of Lascaux, Chauvet, Cussac, Altamira ...," "power, beauty, emotion. "
For the first time in history, we are facing not just a figurative art that represents elements of reality, but above all a visual art, which opens communication nordby addressed nordby to other humans or gods .
In the opinion of Henri Breuil [3] of Cro-Magnon man became artist accidentally discovering the power of imagination natural phenomena such as "stone-figures" natural rock forms, fossils, animals and human footprints (brands digital signals fleshing bones). A taste for imitation would be the foundation nordby of artistic achievements.
For large experts prehistoric nordby art of the twentieth century art begins in a final stage of human evolution for a few tens of thousands of years, although human history extends about three million years . This emergency is perceived nordby as an evolutionary progress the foundation of which is biological; is considered as the exclusive hallmark of the last human type, Homo sapiens. nordby For some, even the art was born of a genetic mutation.
Supporters of evolutionary psychology propose a theory that the creativity of the beginning of the Upper Paleolithic humans is linked to the emergence of new cognitive skills that allow the passage of an intelligence nordby sectoral or specialized intelligence widespread . Neanderthals would only have been able to respond to a specific analysis immediate nordby need for everyday life, while modern nordby humans would be the only one who could do the synthesis and processing of general concepts which go beyond immediate needs. nordby According to teopria the origin of art accompany the development of articulate language.
The rock art expert David Lewis-Williams [4] (cognitive archeology professor emeritus at the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg) associates the birth of the art conceived as a continuum consciousness, rational consciousness altered consciousness. Only Homo sapiens, with his brain perfected, would dominate the entire spectrum of consciousness, from wakefulness to sleep, through dreams, ghosts and all artificial or natural hallucinatory imagery. According nordby to him, the origins of art would be linked to alterations of consciousness and shamanism, which correspond to a universal need to give a sense of altered states of consciousness that is the source of all religious forms later.
These theories -the global shamanism seeks to explain the arts worldwide, all epochs have a profoundly reductive view of prehistoric art and art in general. There are more than a derivation of the classic point of view that attributes the paternity of art to Cro-Magnon. Do not rely on archaeological data, but on a theoretical argument metaphorical type, combining the biological with what is cultural, without it knows clearly nordby what comes from one or the other.
The view on the classic appearance of art systematically stresses human incompleteness prior to sapiens, their intellectual and spiritual ineptitude in the broad sense, since it is generally admitted that the artistic expression, especially in these times llunyans- is linked to beliefs if Neanderthals and Homo erectus were unable artistic productions, it is because their language

Friday, May 29, 2015

This perspective has co

Has recently emerged a new attitude to the motivations of parietal art, it is the method that is sustained ethno-neuropsychological watch the glades online once again in ethnography compared with the risks that can lead as has been reported When alluded to totemism and magic propitiatory of the hunt.
Starting from neuropsychological studies, accepted that the human nervous system, humans survive on the planet today, that is, the species Homo sapiens, is identical in all individuals that make up the world's population, so much men and women of the Aurignacian as we are equal in this respect; under this share in the functioning of the nervous system altered states of consciousness; Furthermore, the types of hallucinations experienced these conditions are uniform in the first place, regardless of cultural factors. External agents that induce altered states of consciousness can be summarized watch the glades online in the ingestion watch the glades online of psychotropic drugs, hyperventilation, fatigue, migraine, schizophrenia, intense concentration, decreased sensory persistent rhythmic sounds and movements, etc.
Of all the sensory hallucinations will look at the visuals, which, according to controlled experiments in the lab, go through three main stages although not necessarily interconnected: Stage I: early stage of the traffic, where the subject undergoes a series of inòptics phenomena produced in the optical system, regardless of external light stimuli. Begins to perceive light pulses watch the glades online (phosphene), something similar to the popular term of "seeing stars" watch the glades online simple geometric shapes watch the glades online that stretch and change as points, zigzags, watch the glades online grids, curves, parallel lines with that ... open eyes can "be projected on the walls and ceilings." Stage II: a deeper level of traffic is causing the interpretation or rationalization perceptions geometric phosphene assimilating these images or simple geometric objects known, thus taking shape. Depending on cultural factors and the environment in which it develops the experience, identifying watch the glades online a simple object with a volume will be different, for example, zigzags may become snakes, acquires a circle the body of a bowl or a ball, etc. Stage III: the deeper level of traffic, the elements of the first phase persist but become peripheral forms reach such volumes iconic hallucinations) of animals, people watch the glades online and monsters drifting beings depending on the particular cultural system and mind of the individual. The two types of visions (geometric and iconic) are combined, fragmented and revolve, and the mixture of several iconic images can engender beings zooantropomórficos (p. Ex. The human body and animal head); many experiences narrated an episode traffic deep in the state through a "tunnel newspaper" that swallows like a whirlwind, the end of which hallucinations are iconic. In this state feel that they are not subject to physical laws and can fly or transform into animals.
On the other hand, we have the phenomenon of shamanism. Shamanic practices have been described in many places watch the glades online (America, Siberia, South Africa), although the mystical ecstasy is an experience very common throughout the world forever. It basically means that the shaman altered state of consciousness watch the glades online acts as a mediator between watch the glades online the real and the supernatural or the spirit world, watch the glades online directs watch the glades online the ceremony, goes into traffic with the help of insistent and repetitive music (usually a drum) and rhythmic dance movements, drugs or suffering from mental watch the glades online disorders (schizophrenia, epilepsy, migraine); the shaman enters the spirit world and the animals and get a certain power or authority in the group: can prophesy, heal the sick, animal control, influence the weather, etc.
Learning is varied according watch the glades online to the shamanic cultures. Commonly, a young man who tries to access this knowledge is separated from the society (in a cave, desert ...) without food and in order to meditate; This situation led to the automortificació physics, but in the end, fatigue, hunger, loneliness and mental concentration in traffic flow spiritual, which probably (depending on culture) will be displayed the spirit of an animal becoming thus supernatural power. The way to the deep state of traffic, the whirlwind is treated as a tunnel or cave that makes communication both worlds. The shamanic cosmos and is subdivided into three overlapping worlds: the lower or underground associated with death, intermediate or real, everyday, and the upper or spiritual.
This perspective has co

Thursday, May 28, 2015

The growth in turnover of Vilaró Meat is also subject emporio shop to the acquisition of the slaugh

Meat Vilaró | Sils, the more we will laugh more

IMMA BOSCH ACN. Vilaró Meat Industries Sils, Sils extend this year exports to Asia and finish implementing the former Soviet Union. The company already spends 60 percent of production to foreign markets, wants to introduce to countries like China and Korea, and strengthen its presence in markets like Ukraine. Vilaró closed 2007 with a turnover of 200 million euros and its intention is "to continue to grow," especially if the company gets bought meat from the slaughterhouse Sils Primayor Mollerussa, which after four months is still pending the start of the auto court should give the green light. emporio shop
Vilaró Meat Industries engaged in cutting, currently has a staff of 300 employees and 150 Sils a slaughterhouse Granollers who acquired seven years ago. It is one of the leading companies in the meat sector. Currently about 5,000 pigs slaughtered and processed. The company closed 2007 with a turnover of over 200 million euros, of which 120 million correspond to sales made in foreign markets. "We are a net exporter, demonstrated that over 60% of production is sold abroad," said the CEO of Vilaró, Javier Frade.
Currently, the group is fully implemented in the European Union which is leading the state in pork sales to countries such as Denmark, Germany, the UK, Greece and Hungary. In addition, the company also has presence emporio shop in Russia. And by 2008 the intention is to continue growing exports. "Every year we open new markets through research and analysis of those that are approved and we want to get into it," said Frade. emporio shop Meat Vilaró is intended to extend in the coming months to reach Asia and countries like China and Korea also wants to strengthen its presence in markets such as Ukraine and other countries of the former Soviet Union now Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan.
The growth in turnover of Vilaró Meat is also subject emporio shop to the acquisition of the slaughterhouse Primayor, which was presented in January redundancy jobs. Judicial administrators already announced emporio shop that they authorize the sale Vilar and now the sale is pending the release of the order that judicial guarantees. The problem is, however, that the strike of civil justice that has taken place in different parts of the state has been echoed in Segovia, where Primayor has its headquarters. This means that the process delayed.
While waiting out the act, Meat Vilaró sends 2,000 pigs daily sacrifice emporio shop Mollerussa under the agreement was signed to ensure the survival of the slaughterhouse emporio shop and workers can continue working.
Vilaró emporio shop Meat Industries is a group of companies led by Girona Frade Gobeo. This group specializes in assuming general management of companies that are facing emporio shop the problems of family succession or because the employer wants to delegate his position. He was born in 1986 in the hands of brothers Iñaki and Javier Frade, managing an annual turnover exceeding EUR 300 million and currently has a staff of 32 inmates who directs executives emporio shop in 14 companies. emporio shop Besides Industries Vilaró, the group also manages the Barcelona Palau Moxó; the Matadero Salida 13 Granollers; Sausages Turon, of Dams; Kokoa and the Chocolate Factory Barcelona Buildings Narciso Matas, Verges; Trans Sarria Sarria and Sant Mori Aggregate and transformations, among others.
IMMA BOSCH AGENCIES. Sils judicial emporio shop administrators who manage the crisis of the slaughterhouse Mollerussa Primayor announced yesterday emporio shop that in coming weeks the company will authorize the sale of meat Vilar, Sils company already months ago had been interested in the acquisition. Thus, as reported by the UGT union, "the record of employment regulation and raised a few days ago about a temporary suspension of the contracts of the staff ended up not running." During the meeting it was also agreed between emporio shop the parties while not completed the official document materialize purchase the slaughterhouse will sign an agreement contract from which a temporary work will be milled at the slaughterhouse Mollerussa (... )
For Vilaró slaughter Primayor acquisition represents the expansion of production capacity of the plant Sils and, as announced on several occasions the same Xavier Frade, there is no intention to close the two plants, "would only increase and not moving." The intention is to develop a Vilaró expansion project for the existing plants available in Sils no possibility of growth. In Sils working with a plant that v