Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Moreover, Ibn Taymiyya was quoted with approval the purpose of Junayd al-Baghdadi,

The house of Islam "c obs hypermarked - Prophets and their message (الأنبياء و الرسل)" The prophets of God are they misinterpretations? and sins?
By cons, regarding the result of their own Dini reasoning (ijtihad), made from the principles that God has communicated to them, they have sought to apply their reasoning obs hypermarked according to a specific case, prophets can make mistakes of ijtihad, but God then shows them their error, and they are therefore not maintained (lâ yuqarrûna 'alayhi) (click here to read our article on the subject: it is the 4.bbb case).
And are they also preserved to do, even occasionally, a little sin (Saghira)? There is difference of opinion on this point (Ahkâm ul-Qur'an, Ibn ul-'Arabi, 4/51; Majmu ul-Fataawa Ibn Taymiyya, 35 / 100-101). According to Ibn Taymiyya, the opinion is right on this point is that it can get them to do a little sin (Saghira), but even then they are preserved to continue living without realizing it and therefore without ask God's forgiveness for it (lâ yuqarrûna 'ala-s-Saghira) (MF 4 / 319-320, 10/293, 11/415, 15/51).
Moreover, Ibn Taymiyya was quoted with approval the purpose of Junayd al-Baghdadi, "Hassanat ul-ab'râr: sayyi'ât ul-Muqarrabin" and applied it to the prophets (MF 11/415); that is to say, of course, "Ba'dh ul-A'mal illatî takûnu hassanâtin li-l-ab'râr: takûnu sayyi'ât in li-l-Muqarrabin." This means that it is about certain actions that are only slightly advised against (ghayr obs hypermarked Awla), and it happens that a prophet had to make it through maslaha shar'iyya; however, obs hypermarked because of its proximity to God, prophet fears still reproach ('itab) from his Creator. Thus, the use of tawriya - which is different from kadhib, lie - is not recommended itself, as shown in the Hadith No. 2210 reported by Abu Dawood (A'lam ul-muwaqqi'în, 3/102). However, when there maslaha shar'iyya to use them, this "not recommended" character is eliminated. That is why the Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him) there has used throughout his life (especially obs hypermarked when the tyrant was questioned about his relationship with Sarah, and when he apologized for not join his people). Yet the day of judgment will tell Abraham feared reproach obs hypermarked ('itab) from God in relation to these comments he made (the hadith is well known) (MF 19/159); obs hypermarked these words were, in situations where he had held, not small sins, not constituting something "not recommended", saw that there was indeed a maslaha shar'iyya who was present and that allowed for the to hold; but this will be his closeness obs hypermarked to God that Abraham will experience that feeling from these statements he made.
More in this category Can we extract a standard (hukm) from what was established for a previous prophet to prophet obs hypermarked Muhammad (all prophets be peace)? The names are those of God, has the God from eternity (azal). Certainly. But the names of God as He has revealed them in a human language states: is it possible that the form they have in this particular human language makes following the appearance of the human language on Earth? How is it that Adam and Eve could follow the suggestions of Iblis and eat the fruit (or any part) of this tree, them that God had expressly forbidden? The prophets of God are they doing to misinterpretation? and sins? The Book revealed to Moses, "kitab" different from "Suhuf" that prophet? The messages of the various prophets for all mankind? The term "Sayyid" is it reserved for God, or do we employ about creatures, such as the Prophet (peace be upon him)? "Al-Isra wa-l-mi'raj" body and soul or a dream? obs hypermarked Jesus son of Mary in Islam One difference between "prophet of God" and "messenger of God"? View all items in this category c - Prophets and their message (الأنبياء و الرسل) View Categories 0- audio space 1- Do you know God? (الله ربنا تبارك و تعالى) 1.1 - General obs hypermarked about God 1.2 - Qualifications of God (أوصاف الله) 1.3 - (99 and over) Names of God (أسماء الله) 1.4 - Decisions of God - what God predestined (القدر) 1.5 - Recognize God as god (تأليه الله), and do nothing obs hypermarked but deify him (توحيد الله في الألوهية) obs hypermarked 2- Spirituality (الروحانية) - 2.1 - General - 2.2 - Evoking God (ذكر الله) - 2.2 .2 - spirituality Shares (عبادات) - 2.3 - Special Intention (النية) Sincerity of intention (الإخلاص) A- & human reason divine revelation (العقل والسمع) B- Different Messengers of God / Different peoples - General b - Abraham and the Covenant with God c - Moses - Judaism d - Jesus son of Marie - Christianity E - The son of Ishmael, and Arabs f - Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) son of

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